The main reason I wanted to visit Miyagi Prefecture was due to an article I read about a reservation/zoo that housed nearly a hundred foxes. Being my favorite animal, I was more than keen to go check it out. It ended up being a great decision -- although it was cold, I got to walk around an open ground with dozens of foxes running around freely! I was so happy that I didn't really want to leave.

Miyagi Zao Fox Village, or キツネ村ビレッジ, was located high up in the mountains. From the nearest train station, I took a 20-30 minute cab ride through the town and up the steep mountain roads. Unfortunately, the fox village is inaccessible by means other than a car, so a taxi was undeniably necessary. I want to return when the weather is warmer! (笑)

Cutest nap to ever take place (^-^)
Goro-kun :D
Sleeping twins :)
Too sexy for pictures, huehuehue. He kept posing for me when the camera was close by. :3

Needless to say, the trip to the village was worth every second of enduring the cold weather. I almost exploded from exposure to so much cuteness, gahhh. I ended up buying a photo album at the souvenir shop that had tons of pictures of the fox village during the spring and summer months, which looks completely different than during the winter with all of the snow. Most of the foxes were huddled up and napping during my visit, but they run around a lot more when it's warmer outside. This was definitely the highlight of my entire vacation.

As a side note, here is a link to the article where I first heard of the Miyagi Zao Fox Village:
Zao Fox Village: Where all your cutes are belong to us
11/27/2014 11:18:33 pm

Hi! May I know the average price of getting a cab up to the mountains? I saw the article and they mentioned that it cost 3500! Ö
Is it really that much?
Thanks for your post :)


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